Hungry Rabbits

game entry on Ludum Dare
playable version in the browser

Hungry Rabbits is a game Karin and I made for Ludum Dare 41 in 2018 (more about Ludum Dare in the Intersection article). The theme this time was Combine 2 Incompatible Genres. We thought a card game + farming simulator would be a fun thing to try:

Grow as many plants as you can, while fending off hungry rabbits, draught, and unwanted insects. Each crop is worth a different amount of golden coins, all very accurately resembling the price in your local grocery store. If you ever wanted to test your farming skills through a card game, here’s your chance!

The game is played by drawing cards from either the "seeds" or the "tools" pile. The seeds you plant on one of the 4 plots, and then they grow a bit every turn. Different plants need a different amount of turns to get to a point when you can harvest them. To harvest plants, you need a "basket" card. This means you have to balance between picking from the "tools" or the "seeds" pile. Each turn there is also a chance that your plot gets attacked by hungry rabbits, drought or bugs. To prevent the plant from getting eaten, you need an appropriate tool card to play - fence, watering can or ladybugs.


It was great fun working on the game together. Karin made the graphics for the cards in watercolors, and I focused on the programming. In terms of scores, we ended up in 520th place overall, out of 2017 entries. We did get some nice comments from players though!

The splash screen